Back to School
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!
On this page you will find:
Important Dates
Forms & Information for all Families Preschool-12
Information for Preschool-8 Families
Preschool-8 Class Welcome Letters
Information for High School Families
High School Class Welcome Letters
Thank you for taking the time to prepare for our first day of school and the incredible year ahead.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Important Dates
Back to School Forms Due
Friday, August 23
Log into PWSConnect to complete a checklist of documents for each student.
Community CARE Party
Sat, Aug 24 | 9am-1pm at PWS
Some of the most important work we can do is to model for our children that we are dedicated to hard work and care for the spaces in which we live. In preparation for the start of the school year, we welcome all parents/caregivers, students, faculty and staff for a day of caring work, community building and fun in service to the beautiful land and buildings that hold our children every school day. Morning coffee and pizza lunch will be offered.
New High School Student/Family Orientation & Class Picnic
Wednesday, August 28, 4-5:30pm, at PWHS
Students and their parents new to PWHS are welcome to join our New Student Orientation. Attendance at this event is not required, however we encourage students and parents to come as it's a wonderful way to get oriented in the high school, including meeting teachers, receiving a preview of the coming year and learning how to use the school's database, PWSConnect.
Following the orientation, from 6 - 7:30pm, will be the all High School Class Picnic in the courtyard. Please join your classmates and Sponsors for a wonderful reunion!
First Day of School
Grades 1-12: Tuesday, September 3, 8:30am
Early Childhood: Warming Day on Tuesday, September 3, 8:45-11am
Early Childhood First Day of School: Wednesday, September 4, 8:30am (8:45am for Water Lily)
Specific drop off and pick up instructions in class letters below.
Beforecare available from 8-8:30am and Aftercare available from 3:-5:30pm. See below for more information.
*There is no Beforecare on Tues Sept 3. There is also no EC Beforecare on Wednesday Sept 4.
Back to School Tea
Tuesday, September 3, 8:30-9:30am, at the Founders’ circle, next to the front steps.
All parents and caregivers are invited to start the school year with a social hour and celebration with community members new and old with School Director Chiaki Uchiyama.
Welcome Assembly & Rose Ceremony
Tuesday, September 3, 11:45am-12:30pm, PWS Gym
We celebrate the first day of each school year with faculty, staff and students gathering in the gym for our Welcome Assembly. All are welcome, special seating for parents in grades 1 and 12.
Coffee & Conversation
Starting September 13, join us every Friday morning in the fall and spring for Coffee & Conversation in the Founders' Circle from 8:30-9:30am. We will relocate to the Aftercare Room if there is rain. For winter months, we’ll meet monthly in the Aftercare Room.
Forms & Information for All Families Preschool-12
IMPORTANT! Documents to Sign: Due Friday, August 23
Log into PWSConnect to complete a checklist of documents for each student that require signatures, including Medical Forms, Emergency Contacts, and Handbooks. All forms due by Friday, August 23.
School Office & Reporting Absences
Email attendance@portlandwaldorf.org to report full or partial day absences. Please include your student’s full name and grade in the subject line.
Main Office: 503-654-2200
Sarah Salas is available to help you in the Main Office.
HS Office: 503-654-2200 x218
Alyssa Grass, HS Office Administrator, and Teresa Chou, Registrar/IT Manager are available to help you in the HS Office.
Year at a Glance
This calendar highlights all of our non-instructional or early dismissal days. For a full calendar of school events, see PWSConnect.
Musical Instrument Rentals
For students in grades 3-8 and high school orchestra students, don’t forget to rent an instrument before school starts. We recommend renting from David Kerr Violin Shop or Manselle’s Music Shop. Students will need to bring their instruments on the first day of school.
Questions? Contact Mr. Redner
Our school uses PWSConnect, an online information management system where you can find helpful information including the School Calendar, School Directories, Parent Handbook, Aftercare Registration, Athletics Registration, Tuition Billing Account, Student Schedules, High School Grade Reports, Student Year End Reports, Class Pages, and Back to School forms.
Get started by logging in here. Click on RESOURCES and navigate to the “Student and Parents: Instructions for Using PWSCONNECT” tile.
For Technical Assistance, please email techsupport@portlandwaldorf.org.
School Clubs
Our PWS Auxiliary Programs is offering some fun after school clubs and activities this year! To register your child for an after school activity, please visit: PWSConnect>Resources>Auxiliary Programs
Theater Club (Gr 5-12)
Fridays 3:00-5:30pm
October 4, 2024 - April 18, 2025
Chamber Music Ensemble (Gr 6-8)
Mondays 7:30 am - 8:15 am
September 23, 2024 - January 13, 2025Band Ensemble (Gr 6-8)
Tuesdays 7:30am - 8:15am
September 24 - January 14, 2025 -
*NEW* School Lunch Program
We are proud to be partnered with My Hot Lunchbox for our school lunch service! With this program, you can order your student’s favorite meals from restaurants they know and love. The school lunch program will be offered three days per week (M/W/F) for students in Grades 1-12.
You can begin placing orders now! Orders must be placed by noon the day prior to delivery.
*NEW* Parent Ambassador Program
The Parent Ambassador Program is designed to harness the diverse talents and passions of our parent/caregiver body to support various facets of school life, while embodying the core values of Waldorf education. Read the 2024 Development Back To School Letter and visit the Program Overview to learn more about the ambassador roles, benefits of participation, and sign up instructions.
School Safety Information
Information for Preschool-8 Families
Technology Policies & Dress Code
Please read our Preschool-8 Technology, Media and Electronics Policies and Grade School Dress Code available in the Parent Handbook.
Before & After School Care (Preschool-6)
We are pleased to offer Beforecare (8-8:30am) and Aftercare (3-5:30pm). Both of these programs are offered to students in Early Childhood and Grades 1-6 Monday - Friday on most school days.
Learn more in a letter from Marcianna Ranson, Auxiliary Programs Director.
Learn more in these letters from Ciara Dreeszen, Grades Aftercare Teacher and Megan Miller-Wallace, Early Childhood Aftercare Teacher
Space is limited. Registration is open for the whole year now.
To register your student, login to your PWSConnect account, and go to RESOURCES > AUXILIARY PROGRAMS.
After School Athletics
PWS offers a variety of after-school team sports for our grade 6-8 students. Current athletic offerings include:
– Fall Volleyball, Gr 6-8, girls. August - October
– Winter Basketball, Gr 6-8, girls and boys. November - February
– Fall & Spring Ultimate Frisbee, Gr 7 & 8, co-ed. September - early November & March - June
Information for High School Families
High School Director Welcome Letter
Please start here by reading this welcome letter from our High School Director, Nina Churchill. You won’t want to miss this!
Morning Lessons & Track Classes
The purpose of our curriculum is to provide a foundation of knowledge, thinking and action that our students will continue to draw on as they go forward in their studies and their lives. The Morning Lessons, along with the concurrent Track/Skills classes in Humanities, Math and World Language, all comprise the core academic elements of the High School program.
Outdoor Program Overview
In each grade at PWHS, students are taught to become stewards and adventurers of the great outdoors through our experiential education curriculum. Learn all about our Outdoor Program Overview and Flow by Grade here.
After School Athletics
PWHS offers a variety of after-school team sports for our high school students. Current high school athletic offerings include:
– Fall Volleyball, girls. August - October
– Winter Basketball, girls and boys. November - February
– Fall & Spring Ultimate Frisbee, co-ed. September - early November & March - June
Upcoming High School Events: Save the Date(s)!
Mark your calendars with the many events we have coming up in the first quarter of the year! Please refer to PWSConnect for more details and future events.
Cell Phone & Personal Electronics Use Policy
Please review our Cell Phone & Personal Electronics Use Policy in the High School Parent Handbook.
Dress Code
Please read the HS Dress Code here.
PWHS Service Learning Program
Please read about the PWHS Service Learning program (including new required hours updates for the 2024-25 school year) here.