Tuition Adjustment
It is an ideal of the Mission of Portland Waldorf School that Waldorf education be accessible to all families who share our values, regardless of their economic status.
Our Tuition Adjustment Program exists to serve families without the means to fully cover the costs of this education. PWS is pleased to share that tuition adjustments are offered to 34% of our students and families this year!
If you are a family who is considering joining the PWS community and you think you might require financial assistance, please apply for Tuition Adjustment at the same time you go through the application process.
Tuition adjustments (TA) are based on demonstrated need. Once a TA application is submitted by a family, Blackbaud Financial Aid Management (BFAM) verifies the application and the submitted financial documentation, and sends a report to PWS. The school then reviews the report and makes an award determination.
Start here with the Instruction sheet for the BFAM program. Please be sure to complete all of the questions and upload all of the required financial documentation. PWS will then make an award determination and send an Enrollment Agreement.
Financial documentation requirements include: Latest tax returns and current verification of income such as W-2 forms, pay stubs, 1099 forms. If you have further questions, please contact Crystal Lawrence.
*Note: Please complete your TA application before you sign your Enrollment Agreement. Your Enrollment Agreement and all registration forms must be completed and signed before the student’s first day of school.
TA Deadlines:
Tuition adjustment applications for re-enrolling families are due by February 1.
Tuition adjustment applications for new families should be submitted at the same time as your admissions application.