Board of Trustees
The Work of the Board
Portland Waldorf School is a self-governing independent school that works with a collaborative leadership model. Within this model, the Board of Trustees is responsible for the legal and financial health of the school.
The Board strives to be a visionary, forward-thinking leadership body, tasked with the ongoing work of creating a Strategic Plan, cultivating a culture of health and openness in our community, and deepening our collective understanding of Waldorf schools and pedagogy and of Board best practices.
We are dedicated to our Mission and are always looking for members who are interested in joining us in our work. To express interest in serving on the Board of Trustees, please email our board chair.
Learn More
Meeting notes and agendas are available on PWSConnect
Meet our Board
Aimee Panyard, Board Chair, PWS Parent and Alumni Parent
Aimee Panyard discovered Waldorf education in San Francisco, in 2007, when she took her son to a parent-child class. She was taken with the beauty and simplicity of the classroom and drawn to the ways Waldorf offered an alternative to mainstream parenting trends. Aimee has been a member of the PWS community since 2008; both of her boys started at PWS in parent-child classes. While in the Bay Area, Aimee worked in publicity, marketing and communications. Since moving to Portland, she has substituted in our kindergarten, been a class parent and new-parent liaison, and is currently enjoying work as a postpartum doula. Aimee joined the Board in 2019. Email Aimee.
David Renzema, Board Vice Chair, Alumni Parent
David began his Waldorf journey as a child, attending the Sacramento Waldorf School from 4th-7th grade. Fast forward to 2002, David and his wife started searching for a kindergarten for their 4-year-old son, and attended an open house at the Portland Waldorf School which had just moved into its new home in Milwaukie. The smell of beeswax and watercolor paint, the beautiful light and warmth of the first-grade classroom brought back the feeling and memory of his time as Waldorf student, and Dave wanted to give that gift to his children.
David has served the school in multiple ways over the years while his three kids have attended the school, including a long stint with Parent Association, co-founding the High School PA, running a Scrip fundraising program, the Wreath Sale and passionately supporting the Athletic program through the PWS Booster Club. Professionally, David is a Business Development Manager for a large consumer electronics company. David joined the board in 2021.
Katrina Dimick, Board Secretary, PWS Alumni
Katrina Dimick is a fifth generation Oregonian who was born into the PWS community when her brother was already attending the lower school. She attended the Blossom Kindergarten off campus before attending 1st-12th grades at PWS. Katrina graduated from PWHS in 2011, and then attended Portland State University receiving a BS in Anthropology and a minor in Spanish.
Her love for Waldorf and all its varied offerings, both creatively and emotionally, has never wavered and over the years she has stayed in contact with the school helping at events, manning the espresso cart at May Faire and Harvest Festival, as well as sitting in on alumni panels to discuss Waldorf High School at outreach events. Professionally Katrina has been a barista, a bartender, operations manager for a local restaurant group and is now happily self employed as a clothing designer with a thriving indie brand. Katrina lives with her partner and black lab puppy in their SE Portland home where she’s always trying to perfect being a better gardener and DIYer. Outside of work she enjoys traveling, reading, and volunteering with the Oregon Humane Society. She joined the board in 2023.
Kyle Miller, Board Treasurer, PWS Parent
Kyle Miller is a risk management and compliance professional with over 28 years of experience in the financial services industry. In his career, Kyle has focused on helping organizations manage enterprise, operational, and strategic risks, and meet their regulatory and legal obligations related to consumer protection, anti-money laundering, privacy, and safe and sound operations.
Kyle is a proud parent of a PWS grades student (class of ’34). Kyle and his family discovered PWS while searching for a school for their daughter that would provide a holistic education, a connection to nature and humanity, and provide the foundation and freedom to find her place in a changing world.
In his free time Kyle enjoys camping, playing music, boardgames, and roller skating with his family.
Wendy Sue Horn, Trustee, PWS Parent
Already an active PWS volunteer prior to becoming a Board member, Wendy Sue has served as class parent in each of her children's classes (classes of '36 and '32), on the Lower School Parent Association and the Community DEIJ Committee.
She writes, "As a social worker, systems work is something I have done my whole career. My early experience working for Santa Clara County offers me insight into the inner workings of large organizations. As a clinical social worker with a specialty in trauma, anxiety and parent support I believe I can offer a valuable perspective to the board . My main strength is in communication, both within meetings and in messaging out to the community. I believe I can help convey messages in a way that is meaningful, concise and accessible.
My commitment to social justice and my experience as a woman of color also brings a particular lens that I believe can be valuable to the board’s work". Wendy Sue is committed to helping our school thrive in the healthiest possible way and is excited to bring her enthusiasm and love for our community into this work.
Jack Palmer, Trustee and PWS Teacher
Jack joined PWS in 2019 as a class teacher. He currently serves as the Grades Chair and as a member of the College of Teachers. Before coming to PWS, Jack taught at a Waldorf charter school in Hawaii, as well as a public charter school in New Orleans. He studied at Lewis & Clark College and Antioch University. Jack loves cycling, cooking, and time in nature.
Seth Podolsky, Trustee, PWS Parent
Seth has spent most of his career working to improve non-profit health-care organizations in service of patients, caregivers, and the communities they serve. He has been fortunate to build and lead incredible teams to execute overall strategy and vision to improve care systems, business operations, and financial stewardship. He has expertise in health care delivery, emergency management, strategy, operations, leading change, organizational management, project management, accreditation, compliance, facilities management, communications, human resources, finances, and philanthropy. Over the years, Seth has served on multiple non-profit boards in both academics (University of Vermont, Board of Trustees), as well as health care (Cleveland Clinic, Board of Governors).
With two children at PWS, Seth shared this when he applied to the Board, “PWS is integral for my children’s education, as well as the broader community. I want to be a part of continuing that mission and vision by giving back to an organization that has quickly become intertwined with our family’s spirit and core beliefs. I’m excited to think about working together to ensure our common philosophies, core values, and financial sustainability continue for the next forty years and beyond.”
Nate Thelen, Trustee, PWS Parent and Alumni Parent
Nate Thelen is a Portland native who discovered Waldorf while visiting one of the community events at the Waldorf school in Pasadena. Over the years he and his wife became increasingly enamored with Waldorf education such that when their oldest was ready for kindergarten, they enrolled him at PWS. Nate now has 2 children at PWS, in middle school and high school, and has been a long-standing member of the community. He is a University of Oregon graduate who has since worked as a technology professional in a variety of businesses, large and small, primarily designing and building complex software applications. Nate enjoys cooking, travel, boating, snowboarding, comics, and the occasional video game. Nate joined the board in 2023.
Carey Caldwell, Trustee and PWS Parent
Carey grew up in a Waldorf family, attending the Great Barrington Rudolf Steiner School in Massachusetts along with his three siblings. Carey’s son has been at PWS since kindergarten and is a member of the PWS Class of 2031. Carey has been involved with the Waldorf community from the beginning, most recently serving on the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, and co-coaching his child’s ultimate frisbee teams with other great parents.
Professionally, Carey has a varied background, working in carpentry, farming, adult care, and teaching Chemistry while pursuing a PhD. in Biochemistry at the University of Oregon. For the last 15 years Carey worked primarily as a professional malpractice attorney, defending medical, legal, and other professionals in civil suits, as well as representing some of the largest Oregon employers in various capacities.
Carey feels blessed to have the ability to join the board as a trustee, joining the 40 plus years of history of other volunteers who have contributed to sustaining the school, encouraging its growth, reinforcing its roots in anthroposophy, and cultivating humanity through the same.
Board Committees
The Board Executive Committee (BEC) is made up of the officers of the Board of Trustees (BOT), as well as one member at large. The BEC performs support and oversight of the School Director and manages emergency situations, legal and confidential matters.
Standing members of the Finance Committee are the Treasurer of the Board, School Director, Business Office Director, a member of the College, and a non-employee member of the parent body. The FC supports and oversees the financial management of the Portland Waldorf School.
The BSC supports the efforts of the BOT by consistently maintaining a high quality of standard practices and actively recruits new members for Board Committees. The BSC is comprised of current board members, faculty members and may include a parent of a PWS student or former student.
This committee works with the School Director, High School Chair and Director of Administration to help to realize the long term goals of PWS and to track, support, market and report on the progress of the Strategic Plan.
The Development Committee works to foster a culture of philanthropy at PWS through work on our annual fundraising, capital campaigns and planned giving.