PWS Ultimate Frisbee: Fall 2023 News
The seventh annual Portland Ultimate Flick-or-Treat tournament wrapped up last weekend — and PWS had much to celebrate! This year’s Halloween-themed tournament hosted more than 40 Ultimate teams from across the region — Portland, Eugene, Bend, Corvallis, Seattle — in varsity, junior varsity, mixed and middle school divisions.
Middle School
Expectations were high for our middle school team, Portland Waldorf Wolfpack Gold, coming off an unbeaten 12-0 fall season in Portland league play.
Despite some nerves, this talented group of mostly 8th graders went 3-0 in pool play and beat a team from South Eugene in the middle school finals!
This is the third year in a row that PWS has won at least one of the divisions at Flick or Treat. It’s also a great omen for the future success of our Ultimate program. Special thanks to coaches Tim and Marissa, and to parent assistants Ben and Phil, for guiding this team all season.
High School
The PWHS high school team — ranked #15 in the United States last year! — is rebuilding this season after seven senior players graduated in June. Despite the turnover, an infusion of talent from our freshman high school class helped PWHS Wolfpack to a 5-1 record in the fall Portland league.
The Wolfpack finished sixth overall at Flick or Treat after receiving a tough pool draw: our first games were against South Eugene (ranked #4 in the United States) and Seattle Seven Hills / Nathan Hale (ranked #5 in the United States). We’ll play both teams again in the spring. Thanks to coach Jake for helping our small high school compete against the best schools in the entire country.
That is no small accomplishment, and all of us in the PWS community should feel very proud of our student athletes.