Message from the School Chair - March 12, 2020

Dear Parents,

In light of breaking news, Governor Brown’s latest announcements, and a great many conversations among trustees, teachers, and other school administrators, we are electing to close PWS effective Monday, March 16. We will remain closed through April 19 at least, and will be in regular communications with you throughout that time as we reassess and adjust our response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Tomorrow will be a day for students to take home their things, and for the teachers to wrap up a final day of in-person instruction. Class events that are calendared for Friday or Saturday will either be canceled or will take place with additional restrictions around attendance and location; please look for a direct communication from your child’s teacher.

After Saturday, March 14, all nonessential school gatherings through Spring Break will be canceled or rescheduled, or converted to an online platform. This includes field trips, athletic events, parent meetings, and unfortunately our Uplift celebration. More on that later.

Monday and Tuesday will be in-service days for all faculty and staff as we meet, plan, and prepare for work to continue over the coming weeks. For high school students, we will be able to offer content online. For the lower school, teachers will be utilizing resources such as audio lessons, work packets, class projects, and written assignments to keep up with the year’s curriculum.

This month’s parent-teacher conferences will be held remotely or rescheduled at the teachers’ discretion.
While there are many logistics yet to nail down, I want to affirm that this decision has been a beautiful example of collaboration. Out of a shared desire to live our values and uplift humanity, we choose to embrace this opportunity to protect, support, and care for our entire community–including our elders, those with underlying health conditions, and the many health care providers working diligently to meet an overwhelming need that shows no sign of abating.

This is not an act of fear. Rather, it is an act of love. We will weather this together.

Wishing everyone health and courage,

Jamie Quirk
School Chair


Message from the School Chair - March 6, 2020


Message from the College Chair - March 16, 2020