The Parent Association (the parent body) in our Waldorf School
The Parent Association at Portland Waldorf School can be understood as the “Hands” or Willing element, while our dear teachers represent the “Heart”/Feeling aspect and the Board of Trustees the “Head”/Thinking. This is a simplified model, but it does help us understand whose work is what–and how each contribution is integral to the health and smooth functioning of the whole.
As the Hands–the Will–parents are the workers, the bodies, the lunch-makers, the carpool-drivers, the event organizers and volunteers, the tuition-payers, the treat-bakers, and in so many ways the action-makers and celebrants. Parent engagement and volunteerism is valued, encouraged and totally necessary to make our school work!
In the Classroom
Of course, all families have one or more classes in which they actively participate as parents of a student in the class. Parent involvement and support of the class teacher is of greatest priority. Additionally, parents in each class volunteer for these roles:
Class Parent
The Class Parent works closely with the class teacher, parent council reps, and the parents in that particular class. They help coordinate volunteers for field trips and festivals, orchestrate teacher cards and gift-giving, help organize classroom activities and events, and in a general way cultivate positive classroom culture. There may be opportunities to collaborate with other Class Parents on section wide or school wide events.
New Parent Liaison
One or two parents in each class serve as warm and welcoming resources for new families. The New Parent Liaisons may initiate parent-to-parent communication, organize play dates, and send along invites to teas and other opportunities in which new parents can connect with the school community. Admissions and Parent Council help to hold this initiative.
Parent Council Representative
Each class chooses two representatives to serve a minimum of two years on the Lower School or High School Parent Council. Ideally each class has two representatives at all times. Class representation at PC meetings is both more likely and more consistent when there are two people to share the work. The reps serve their individual classroom by engaging with the teacher and parents to bring questions, ideas or feedback to Parent Council and to relay information from Parent Council about all-school needs and events.
Parent Council
The parents who serve on PWS Lower School and High School Parent Council work with the mission to:
–Enliven all aspects of community life
–Facilitate communication among faculty, administration, and the parent body
–Build a better understanding of the cultural mission of the school as set forth by the College of Teachers
PC is comprised of 2 parents from each class serving two-year terms as Parent Council Reps; 3 co-chairs serving overlapping three-year terms; and representatives from Faculty, Admin, and Board who facilitate communication among leadership bodies.
Meetings are always open to all parents. Check the Weekly Bulletin and calendar for upcoming meetings, or ask your class Parent Council rep. Please see the updated PC Mandate for specifics!
Parent and Community Activities
Our community offers myriad opportunities for parents to experience Waldorf Education and come together with regular Parent Teas, and offerings of Community Eurythmy, Singing Circle, and more! Check the calendar for upcoming and regular offerings.